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Milla Gomes se junta à RedeTV para apresentar novo programa de dicas.

“Estilo de Vida com Milla Gomes: A influenciadora renomada chega à televisão com dicas exclusivas”

e em inglês:

The renowned digital influencer and lifestyle expert, Milla Gomes, is embarking on an exciting television journey by joining forces with RedeTV! to present a new and vibrant program full of exclusive tips and guidance for food lovers.

With a career marked by her ability to share insights on fashion, beauty, and well-being, Milla Gomes is now expanding her horizons to the culinary world, promising to take her knowledge to a new level on national television.

Viewers can expect engaging and inspiring content that transcends the conventional limits of television, covering everything from the latest fashion trends to the deepest secrets of skincare. With her charismatic personality and vast expertise on the subject, Milla Gomes stands out as a captivating figure who promises to win over the hearts of the audience, becoming an absolute reference in RedeTV!’s prime time.

Get ready to indulge in the best tips, unforgettable gastronomic experiences, and moments of pure entertainment alongside Milla Gomes on RedeTV!. Join us on this incredible journey into the world of flavors and discover a new world of culinary possibilities with our beloved host.


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